Atelier: Academy of Fine Art And Design

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For Adults and Youth    CLARKESVILLE GA

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CLASSES begin        Jan 4,5,6 2010
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Mondays 9:45-12:15


This class is for the total beginner, as well as those who feel they need either a review or refresher in solid traditional watercolor painting techniques. These lessons will teach brush handling, brush choices for different areas of your watercolor painting, as well applying washes- both flat, graded, shaded areas, and laying in your colors cleanly and clearly. Learning the basic methods of watercolor right from the start makes all the difference in your future painting technique.  As with any painting class, your painting will only be as good as your drawing skills, so be sure you are competent in drawing before you take this class. Special Guest Watercolor Artist and instructor Madeline Epp will co-teach and demonstrate in these classes.



Mondays 1:00-3:30

Abstracted Realism -

"Loose & Juicy"

Neo-Expressionistic style

This fun and wild class will focus on the California School concepts of abstracted neo-expressionism. Class will learn acrylic techniques of both glazing of transparent and opaque colors, and utilizing positive and negative shapes to build abstracted realism into form and design imagery.

"Fun thinking" and "open to new ideas" are the buzz words for this class experience. Never painted in an abstract style before? Want to loosen up your realistic approach with some new  methods of getting great design and solid composition?
This is a class for those who want to stretch their more rigid  definition of realism, and those who are already headed on that path.


Mondays 3:45-6:15


Pastels take on a whole new flavor in this exciting class that will get your strokes movin' again.

Loosen up your tight style with exercises and class directions that will have your compositions humming and your color singing with vibrant new direction. Advanced underpainting techniques will be covered, as we push out old and boring methods in favor of new updated and unique approaches to applying color to your substrate. Special Assortment of Pizazz colors will make all the difference as well. If you want to find new visual excitement in your pastels painting approach, this is the class for you. You should have at least one course in Pastels, or have worked with the medium previous to taking this class.

Independent Study:
Scheduled by appointment

Concentration on your own direction

This class time is for the serious artist who is self directed and competent in the medium they choose to work in for this class.
Individual attention is given to each student to work with them on questions regarding compositional choices, application of medium, advancing their techniques, values and color choices etc.  This is not a class to learn a new medium in. You should be working in one or more medium that you are fairly comfortable in, and wish to be self directed in subject matter and style. If  you are not sure if this is the right class choice for you yet, please feel free to speak with Robin regarding your needs, to help determine if this class is the right fit.



Tues 11:00-2:00

Details and Impressions

Intermediate to advanced oil painters will find the happy medium of controlled details where they are important, and the beauty of implied detail, with more of an impressionistic approach in the rest of the painting. A great class to get you "seeing and simplifying" in your work.  Learn how to hone in on the important aspects of your composition, and then accentuate those while playing down the parts that are less important to the overall impact of your picture. Emphasis  will be on finding the focal point, and using form with brushstrokes effectively to convey a sense of importance and direction to the image in the focal area.

OIL Painting: 

Tues. 2:30-5:00

Getting it Right from the Start. -

Beginning oil painters and those who would like a refresher will find this class both informative and comprehensive.
Painting right from the start, you will learn traditional time honored techniques for painting in oils that will have you painting realistic images very quickly. Learn to see and to paint color, value and shape with correct brush stroke application. Learn to paint cleanly with proper control while learning color mixing and application in a step by step approach. Classic oil painting instruction will give you the understanding of the basics of how the masters painted, as well as lead you on a path of solid foundational skills in oils.


Wednesdays  10:00 -12:30

Nature Up Close

This fundamental drawing class will cover all the basics of good drawing technique that will have you rendering realistic forms from nature in no time.

We will be working primarily from life, as you learn to see and translate the image to the page. Materials used will progress from graphite to additional drawing materials depending on the classes choice of adding in either color or pen and ink work. The primary focus will be on seeing value, shape and contours contrasts in the subject and learning the strokes and methods to accurately render them on paper. This class is for both the beginner as well as those with solid drawing experience already. Each person will take the methods to the level of their ability, as different options will be available based on your skill level in starting this class. Exercises based on your specific needs will be individually assigned as well.
GREEN CLASSES are perfect for the novice artist on up, those starting with a new medium or refreshing their skills.
YELLOW Classes are best for advanced beginners to advanced intermediate
RED classes are best for those more  experienced artists.
When in doubt if a class is right for you, just ask.
ALL CLASSES RUN 10 WEEKS and cost $255.
Wednesdays 1:30 -4:00

Making Color Choices

Color theory is a starting point, but if you don't know how to put it into action, what have you learned? This class will cover color harmonies, and we will work with specific color choices as you work in your own medium and choice of subject matter. Class exercises will have you mixing and matching colors and expanding your color repertoire as you find new ways to look at various color options in your paintings. Individualized help with color mixing will be a big part of the learning process of this class. Using specific color groupings and color directions will be part of the assigned work.

You should have a basic understanding of the color wheel. This class is for all medium, but you should be fairly proficient in handling the medium of your choice. You will be choosing your own subject matter , with technical design help in class on composition,   color balances, choices and execution.